
Global Endorsement of Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace

Following 3.7 million signatures from 200 countries
Number of Endorsement:3734715


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The Global Endorsement of Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace consists of three very important declarations:

1. "Love of the World A Declaration of Peace":declared after the three massive earthquakes in 1999 ( Columbia , Turkey , and Taiwan ). Appeal to the world that we should respect life, we should protect nature, we should love ourselves and others, and we should love our own countries as well as other people's countries.

2. "Peace Declaration":declared in the 2001 World Citizenship Assembly (WCA) by more than 600 delegates from over 67 countries.

3. "Declaration of Human Rights for World Citizens":declared in 2002. Peace originates from the harmonious coexistence between human and nature. Human rights originate from the mutual respect among people. We treat love as our momentums and culture exchanges as the power to unite people's hearts. So we as world citizens can together enjoy freedoms, our human rights be protected, and peace be achieved.

4. "Declaration of International Love and Peace Day":proclaimed September 15 of each year as the "International Love and Peace Day" at the UN Plaza Hotel, New York, 2005, where the Love and Peace World Summit took place and the "Declaration of International Love and Peace" was presented. President Leonel Fernadez of Dominican Republic was the first head of the state to endorse the declaration. After the endorsement ceremony with President Fernadez, other heads of state, world leaders and world citizens were invited to participate in signing the endorsement.

These three declarations result in profound and tremendous influence on human history. In light of the importance, UN/NGO Association of World Citizens, the Federation of World Peace and Love, and the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy have invited friends from all walks of life to endorse the declarations by signing their names and nationalities, and making a wish for love and peace. About two million people from 158 countries have endorsed the declarations in 2004.

During the 57th Annual DPI/NGO Conference in 2004 , in a presenting ceremony held at the M illennium UN Plaza Hotel, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Honorary Vice President and member of Advisory Board of Association of World Citizens UN/NGO/DPI/ECOSOC, presented an endorsement CD of 2 million signatures to Joan Levy, Chair, NGO/DPI Executive Committee , and Joan Kirby, Chair, 57th Annual DPI/NGO Conference, to refer to Kofi Annan, General Secretary of the UN, to voice out people's wish for love and peace.

The campaign of the Global Endorsement of Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace is in full swing on March 29 th to further extend the achievements made in 2004 and motivate the idea of "How One Good Thought Can Improve the World." A change starts from oneself and to practice love and peace in daily lives. If people can always have good thoughts, the destiny of this world will differ and move toward a brighter future.

Love of the World A Declaration of Peace

The year 2000 is a testimony to human civilization and serves as a milestone in creating a better world. By means of "Love of the World, A Declaration of Peace," we express the aspirations of all humanity. Praying for the well-being of all people in a new century, we wish to sound the bell of peace to awaken mankind's good intentions through which we will strive for a glorious future together.

It is believed that only a sincere heart can touch the depths of one's soul. Therefore, we truly hope that those of all ages, different beliefs and races, both rich and poor have a genuine, cheerful and peace-loving heart. As a result, they will show respect and love for their families, others, their countries and the world through their actions. And we are looking forward to returning to a harmonious world in which there is no suffering, no fear, no war and no pain.

We anticipate that the spirit of love and peace will spread across the world, turning evil into good and stopping war. Creating a better tomorrow with wisdom will prevent human tragedies from happening again and will bring progress and prosperity to all countries. If all people respect and learn from one another open-mindedly, conflicts will be transformed into long-lasting peace. Our love will keep the water clean and the environment beautiful forever. This way, our offspring will enjoy a pleasant, harmonious and affluent world.

Dr. Hong Tao Tze
on September 25, 1999


Association of World Citizens UN/NGO/DPI/ECOSOC WORLD CITIZENS ASSEMBLY 2001

WHEREAS, one year into the new millennium, the threat of nuclear war remains a terrifying possibility in the twenty-first century and the militarization of space threatens to ignite a new nuclear arms race; and

WHEREAS, through globalization, a widening division between rich and poor has been created, with 20% of the world's population owning more than 80% of the world's wealth and the same rich 20% consume 80% of the world's resources; and

WHEREAS, scientific studies indicate that the present depletion of the world's resources and climate warming have imperiled the ecological system, biodiversity, and many corporations, along with the weapons industry, have produced unlimited toxic wastes which exterminated countless thousands of species and imperiled the entire life system of the planet; and

WHEREAS, human values have deteriorated through obsession with materialism, mass consumption, and depletion of the earth's resources for profit, and as humanity now has the technological tools and means of communication to resolve these problems;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is imperative to abolish all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction and the sale of weapons for profit. The survival of the human race depends on eliminating the war system with its economic, cultural and political implications. Future conflicts among peoples must be settled within the peaceful framework of international law,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that globalization must be democratic to benefit all people ,leading to the eradication of poverty and ending the mass destruction of the world's resources ,and not allowing our technologies to out distance our humanity.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the United Nations must be supported by both governments and people and be made more democratic and representative including a People's Assembly to provide moral and spiritual values alongside the General Assembly of nations. Furthermore, the Security Council needs to be restructured so as not to allow any nation to make the world hostage through its present veto power, and become the institution that provides security to all the people of the world,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to spread peaceful messages to every corner of the world and to overcome the culture of war that ravaged the twentieth century, we must create a new culture of peace as specified by the United Nations 53rd Session of the General Assembly, and its plan of action. This could be the foundation of a new civilization based on respect toward all life, with peace in our hearts and love of the world,with better communication among human beings, through cultural exchange programs,through peace education, and where human progress is measured not merely in economic gain, but through compassion and caring for others,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as responsible citizens of the world, we call upon all peoples, all governments, international institutions and the United Nations to achieve these goals during the first decade of the new millennium.

Declaration of Human Rights for World Citizens

Association of World Citizens UN/NGO/DPI/ECOSOC in Taiwan
Federation of World Peace and Love
Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy
All Things Follow the Law of Nature
The Origin of Heaven, Earth and Human Beings are One
A Genuine Heart Conveys Genuine Love
Global Trips for World Peace
Peace originates from the harmonious relationship between mankind and nature
Human rights originated from respect between people
Ignited by "Love," cultural exchange combines the spiritual force of mankind
Only in this way, may world citizens share freedom
May human rights be safeguarded, and may peace be practiced.

WHEREAS, the responsibility of world citizens is in defending fundamental human rights, preserving the Earth's resources, and striving for world peace.

WHEREAS, fundamental human rights should be built on sincere mutual respect and equal sharing between peoples and between countries.

WHEREAS, world peace shall be created on the spirit of human rights, which are liberty, equality, and fraternity, and be practiced in all aspects.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that every individual world citizen shall have the right of knowledge and the obligation to defend fundamental human rights.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that people and governments in various countries shall work together and monitor reform in preserving human rights, freedom of speech, the judicial system, and a just code of procedure in safeguarding the lives and property of civilians and freedom of speech.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that world leaders shall actively defend the lives and property of civilians and understand the necessity and importance of being free from fear.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that responsibility of world citizens shall be to call on people, governments, international organizations of the world and the United Nations to work together to practice and complete the signature campaign for the "Declaration of Human Rights for World Citizens" by 2004. Thus, the purpose of defending human rights and fostering world peace could be reached.

With a genuine heart of "Love of the World, A Wish for Peace," we proclaim the declaration to raise the standard of human rights and build a new era of peace through concern for human rights of world citizens and through leading people to love themselves

Declaration of International Love and Peace Day

The world is like a great gear in motion. Heads of State and world leaders are the keys to moving the world forward. Our destiny in this world is tightly intertwined and in our hands we hold the state of balance for world peace. The world is alive because influential global leaders gather together at the UN at this critical time. This is a place full of the energy of hope. As the most important information exchange center in the world, New York City and the UN hold the key to the world's development.

WHEREAS love is at the root of everything and the foundation of peace is built on balance;

WHEREAS the concept of love and peace is a signal for world peace;

WHEREAS people's needs and aspirations should be fulfilled;

WHEREAS love is the starting point, the method of peace is the process, and balanced wisdom is of critical necessity;

WHEREAS capricious changes in the global climate and the deterioration of the environment have negative impact on people's health and emotions;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that people should learn never to allow emotions to influence their decisions, and learn that wisdom can be developed through tranquility. By following these suggestions, one can become a world citizen who approaches difficulties and obstacles with a positive attitude and possess the wisdom of balancing Yin and Yang, which allows one to manage evil with goodness. Through wisdom and the concept of love and peace, we can find the best, most rapid, most beneficial, and correct way to facilitate UN reform and assist every country. It is the path for the UN and all countries to follow.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when there is no love, there is no peace. Peace needs love and love needs to be balanced. The way to achieving balance is very important. Love of the world is a goal worth our lifelong pursuit, and shouldering the responsibility is a worthy commitment. God is watching over us and He will guide us.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that every country will be more concerned than ever for other countries, and that sincere friendship will last longer, with the world united and solidified like a family. Although the road to the future is long, the sunshine after the storm is especially beautiful. Love of the world is our aspiration and there is no denying that we are one world. A bright future is in our hands. As long as we have sunlight in our hearts, the world will have light as well.

This is a day for international unity. Let's proclaim September 15 of each year as the "International Love and Peace Day." May peace, stability and security befall us.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Shih-ho
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
President of Federation of World Peace and Love
Millennium UN Plaza Hotel
New York, New York, USA
