
Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy

Tai Ji Men Qigong Helps Me Grow

Karina Chen, Student    2019-12-04

Karina Chen competed at the Starbound Talent Competition in San Mateo in 2018 & 2019. She won first place in both the contemporary dance category and overall senior competitive soloist category.
Since joining Tai Ji Men, I have observed noticeable differences in my lifestyle and general well-being.

Prior to joining Tai Ji Men, I was an extremely shy and timid child, unwilling to socialize with peers and those around me. Through practicing my skills in weekly sessions and communicating with my Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters, this hardship has evolved into a natural skill.

Additionally, Tai Ji Men’s qigong exercises have improved my focus and concentration: meditation has always helped me calm down and allowed me to focus on the task at hand. Moreover, Shifu always encourages us to be happier, so I apply what he teaches to my daily life. He says to treat work as play and remembering his words always helps me stay positive. These two skills, focus and the importance of happiness, have made a big impact on my life. For example, when I am studying or doing homework, being joyful makes the process more efficient and effective. Since happiness is contagious, it makes the people around me joyful as well.

I have also learned how to let go of small and petty things, which has always been challenging for me. Even though there is always room for improvement, continuing to be a member of Tai Ji Men allows me to progress every day. I see positive effects on myself and the people around me, creating a healthy environment for myself, my family, and friends.

Another important life skill that I have acquired during my time in Tai Ji Men is time management. Since Tai Ji Men has made such a large positive impact on my life, I have learned how to make Tai Ji Men a priority despite my extremely busy schedule. This forces me to manage my time well to ensure that Tai Ji Men stays a part of my life. I want to continue to be a member of Tai Ji Men because my Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters can help me accomplish my goals for 2019. I have come a long way since I first started, and I hope to continue to improve.